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the Scenes
Justin Grays

I have a number of projects that I am working on: 1. I have a website,, where I blog about various topics - either shared information from my city, topical situations, or things that I find interesting. 2. I've published erotica under the pseudonym Tycho Pendragon, and am working on more stories in various genres. 3. I have two podcasts, GraysMatter Podcast and Justin on Panels, and I am expanding my YouTube presence. Unfortunately, I also have a couple of stumbling blocks. Mainly, I am limited by the level of technology at my disposal (my laptop is subpar and I don't have a desktop), and I have to spend far too much time looking for better work because I am stressing over the job that I currently have and trying to make ends meet. Because of financial constraints, I am not able to improve my equipment, nor am I able to focus on making the quality posts and stories that I would love to create. At the same time, I while I would love to spend more time writing science fiction and fantasy stories and sharing them with the world, I would also like to be able to start streaming on my Twitch channel. Being able to make a living out of these creative ventures would be fantastic, but as things currently are, I don't have enough time to write, edit, deal with work, and make my meager income stretch as far as I need it to.

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