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Greetings! You've stumbled upon The Circle Of Tea-crecy, the home of all the tippity-top-secrets of The Realm. 🤫 I'm using Ko-fi to provide more options for the Realm-famous Wax Sealed Teabagged Letters that go out every few months, and all the other fun behind the scenes shenanigans that happen! A sparkly mage aesthetic isn't everyones cup of tea apparently, so The Circle is here to provide a darker option. 🗡️ The Circle Of Tea-crecys main hub will be here in the Ko-fi, but by being a member of the Circle you'll be granted access to The School Of Tea Sorcery and all their knowledge. This means there's not another secret Discord/Guilded section you have to keep up with and merges everyone together. More choice in where you want to support! I'll also be adding one time purchase merch options later this year to Ko-fi for those who don't want to lock in a monthly membership. Something that other platforms don't provide! Whether you plop in a cheeky tip, or join a membership, or even just follow! I appreciate you very much, Thank You for checking out my Ko-fi!

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