
Hello! I'm Keekibeam. I'm a huge fan of the Cake Princess Keekihime. I'm uploading clips of her past content on youtube. She is currently inactive because reasons, but when she was asked about the future of "Keekihime" she said this: START QUOTE: "I am not planning to quit my activities as cosplayer/streamer/youtuber anytime soon, keekihime is my life and my passion. And there is no problem with it. That's all i can say" END QUOTE. I want her to have a STRONG channel once she returns so I set myself 3 Main Goals: 1. Give old Keeki fans something to watch. Keeki fans are starving for content and I want to give them some cake until Keeki returns. 2. Show new Keeki fans the good old days and what kind of content they can expect once she returns. 3. Keep Keekihime relevant and in the algorithm. She is currently inactive and is not uploading anything. By uploading clips and using her tags and her name in the video title she gets boosted back into the algorithm and gets recommended to people left and right. Best case scenario: Boosted algorithm and social media and once she returns she has a lot more fans who know what they can expect. Worst case scenario: She won't return after all and I wasted my time. Well, not really. Because Goal 1 and 2 were still accomplished and she got a little monetary income from all the YT and social media boost. So all in all: Even the worst case scenario is a win for both her and her fans. That's the primary reason why this channel exists. Secondary reason: Archiving. ALMOST all of her old content is either gone or so far buried into the deep deep web that it's virtually impossible for most people to get a hold of this. You may have noticed most of my clips are barely edited. This is intentional. I want to keep the content as original as possible. If I edit this too much, add too much effects etc then this isn't much of an archive anymore, is it? You get my point. If you think I deserve a cake for this from time to time, then you can buy me one here on Ko-fi. Thanks for reading. ( ・∀・) [=========ケーキビーム!!

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