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the Scenes

Hello! And welcome to my Ko-fi, my name is Ken and I am a freelance artist currently working on artwork and my webcomic called Cosmic Joke! I'd love to make this comic a full time thing, and be able to make it the best I can possibly make it, This means full time dedication and focus- and with your help, I'll be able to do just that! Through your support I can continue doing what I love and finally bring the dreams and visions I see so often to you through comics and stories! I can dedicate my time to producing the best product and provide you with behind the scenes material to the vast visionary aspects of my worlds, stories, and characters! I'll mostly be using my Ko-fi as not only a tip-jar but a place where you can subscribe for perks, as well as commission me and see what sort of spaces I have open for work!

Make money doing what you love. No fees on donations!
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