
I'll definitely have to show off bits and pieces as I go, but primarily I have the following projects in the works: (I'll be using their code names and ill give a rough idea of the stage of progress) 'Exorcists of Fuuhzan 1' - (proofreading and sketching) The first episode in a fantasy series set in a world of humans and monsters, following the adventures of two exorcists for hire. 'Nexus Narrative' - (early writing phase, few sketches) Alternate history data-punk story set in a world of megacities, human decline and psychic abilities. 'Invisible Friends' - A story about mental health masquerading as a childrens story. Everyone has an invisible friend... 'Manifestations' - (early writing phase, several sketches) An anthology with running narrative. The idea is to make multiple short stories giving tribute to things that had a profound impact on me over my many years on this rock. 'Allesmaekers' - (late conceptual phase) A children's story about finding one's place. 'Boule de Poils et Boule de Feu' - (early conceptual phase) Not sure yet what I want to do with this exactly, but these were characters that I remember from when my mom used to tell us stories as kids, and I always imagined it like a early minimalist cartoon comic.

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