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Hi there! Welcome to my Ko-fi page! I'm so glad you stopped by. Take a look around and get comfy. 🐣 This space is all about creating a more close-knit relationship between myself and the people who want to support my work, and also giving back to those who do. I'm just starting out with this, so it may be a little rough still, but please check out the tiers and what they have to offer for now. I'm also excited to let you know that I'm planning to eventually connect this with my own Discord server, though it'll take some time and thorough planning to set everything up... It's just a little taste of what's to come, but for now, what you see is what you get. All of the funds raised through this Ko-fi will go straight into my creative work, enabling me to make dream collaborations come true and provide you with the best quality you deserve more frequently. Even if you're unable to support my work through Ko-fi, please know that I appreciate you taking the time out of your day to check out this site. Every single listener means the world to me, and if my music can make your day just a tiny bit better, that's everything I could ever want and so much more. Thank you from the bottom of my heart. ❤

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