Kirsten Griffith

Ko-fi allows me to receive and redistribute resources *from* community, *to* community, no NPOs or LLCs in between. Some of my funds also go to others working to create supportive lives as they support others, even if they aren’t “producing content.” Here’s my take on why: “…this little annual ‘Hi I love your work!’ isn’t about what you produce, but helping you create the weird little life of your dreams, as you help me with the same. I wasn’t kidding when I said I would be truly content in a world where we just circulate the same chunks of currency around to where our people need it and when, so I hope you’ll consider me someone to ask if you have a project you’ve been wanting to launch, or a training you’d love to attend, and you could use some currency energy to make it happen.  Take me seriously, okay? This is how we save ourselves and each other. I truly believe this.” The trust you show by contributing to this effort is the greatest gift I can imagine, and while my posts and shares here will not directly reflect how I spend the time I’m not punching a clock, the spaciousness your support provides allows me to explore and synthesize thoughts, ideas, and connections I have often had to set aside for “some other time.” Thank you for helping to make NOW the time.

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