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Kendall Lee Briggs

AUTHOR FAQ: When did I first start writing and drawing? I picked it up in 5th grade. Our teacher gave us a weekly list of vocabulary words, and we had to write short stories using those words. I haven't stopped writing since. As for drawing, I can't remember when I picked it up seriously. Probably high school after I got into anime. What motivated me to become an indie author/artist? Partly, the idea of pitching and querying intimidates me (I'm very much an introvert). But more than that, I prefer to keep creative control over my projects. Indie publishing and commissions allow me to do that. What am I working on next? Where do I start?! I must have notes or outlines for at least two dozen story ideas. My main focus right now, though, is book two of the Crimson Blaze series, and I'm also working on a contemporary romance between two childhood friends set in Maine. I do artwork for stories as I go along. Who are my favorite authors / artists? Sir Arthur Conan Doyle comes to mind first. I also read a lot of Dean Koontz, James Rollins, and James Patterson. Vincent Van Gogh will always be my favorite artist - not just because of the artwork, but because of his personal story. When I'm not writing / drawing, how do I spend my time? I rescue stray and feral cats. I hold two certifications in cat behavior and psychology, and I write and produce a podcast on cats. My ultimate goal is to buy a house in the country where I can truly focus on animal rescue and rehab, as well as offer pet boarding and behavior consultation. Then I can quit my job and do all of this stuff full-time. Do I remember the first story I ever wrote? Ugh, yes. I was obsessed with Digimon in middle school and had a crush on one of the characters. For a creative writing project, I wrote what essentially was a 40,000-word fan fiction. I don't remember exactly what happened in the story ... just that it embarrassed the hell outta me to read it as an adult. Describe my desk. I don't have a desk. I either lie on the floor or the couch when I write and draw. I've tried actually sitting at the table, and it just doesn't work. I can't focus that way. Too formal and rigid, I think. I end up putting my head down when I think, and then I fall asleep, lol.

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