
Hi all! Thanks for visiting my Ko-Fi. If you're familiar with my work you'll know I give away a lot of content for free, much of which I am very proud of. I have thought about working toward a Patreon-style model where you can access different stories for a membership price but I am unfortunately not confident I could maintain the level of work to keep patrons' faith and compete with other offerings. All of my stories are still free, and while I do intend on releasing pay-only long form works in the future, I will always be providing some content free of charge, such as my new Blog Fic Sophomore Year or my other short fics. My hope is that, the more you read of my stories the more inspired you might be to make a donation now and again, to help keep me inspired. It is absolutely not required to access any previously-free works and there will always be more in the future, but would be much appreciated. Thanks for your time, and be kind!

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