Lush Greens Bristol

Lush Greens is a community market garden (small vegetable farm) in Hengrove, Bristol. We are a not-for-profit social enterprise, who collaborate with volunteers from our local community to collectively help tackle food insecurity in our local area. The veg we grow together goes to local food poverty charities, such as InHope's Foodbanks, other community groups including Redcatch Community Garden and Batch Cook Club, and to members of our Community Veg Box Scheme. We run regular volunteer days, open days and seasonal festivals. This year we are delivering an Introduction to Horticulture training for people in recovery, which is part of our work to deliver Green Social Prescribing to help improve peoples' physical, mental annd emotional health and wellbeing. Any donation, either one off or regular, makes a huge difference to the work we can do tackling food insecurity in Bristol and regenerating the health of soil, wildlife and people. Supporting us with a donation means people who would otherwise not have access to seasonal and nutritious veg in Bristol now will. The video below was put together by Bristol Local Food Fund to raise money to support organisations like ours to tackle food insecurity in Bristol. It gives a flavour of the work we do at Lush Greens. Your donations can allow us to continue this work in our local community.

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