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Role for Perception

Welcome to Role for Perception, our little home for Pathfinder 2E, mini painting, and a heavy, heavy dose of roleplaying. We've set up our page to help support us as we bring PF2E entertainment to those that enjoy heavy roleplay in their TTRPGS. Your donations and sponsorships help us to increase the quality of our productions and spend more time working on Role for Perception as we'll be able to pay bills and work traditional jobs a bit less. Some of the items that the money goes towards include: - Upgrades in streaming equipment including new headphones and a better camera for Evelyn, as well as better overlays and graphics for the stream. - Commissioning artwork for NPCs created for the campaigns, as well as for giveaways during streams and to our supporters - Purchasing paint and other supplies to continue increasing the physical terrain that we wish to incorporate into streams - And much more. Finally, I want to thank all those that help support Role for Perception. We didn't think we'd be getting into this space so late in life. But it is your encouragement that helps us dream big.

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