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What I Do
+ 1 More
Maou Asmodeus

Hey! Thanks for checking out my ko-fi page. If you're here that means that you're considering (or are already) supporting my content, which I greatly appreciate. But I'm guesing you'd like to know what exactly it is that your support (i.e. the coffee you send me) is being used for. The additional caffeïne you have gifted me will be used to create more unboxing content, more gaming content and the occasional vlog. How you may ask? Well, the special edition games that I order for my unboxing videos tend to be on the pricey side. This means that i have less money for coffee, which affects my output. By gifting me a coffee, you make sure that I stay caffeinated enough to bring out that sweet sweet unboxing content. Not into unboxing videos? Well no worries, I also make plenty of gaming content. Unfortunately the consoles that come out every so often are also expensive, which means that the money I save will also take away from my coffee addiction. Same with video games. Eeven the old games usually cost one cup of coffee! I know, it's horrible. Your coffee helps me get through this trying ordeal. Finally, there's the vlogs. There may not be a lot of them, but that's because I value quality over quantity when it comes to these. So, when I'm on the road scouring the country for things to vlog about, your coffee that I have carefully packed into my back pocket, will help me go on where otherwise I would stumble and fall. Coffee is my lifeblood. It courses through my demonic body like blood pumps through a human's. So thank you mortal, for helping me stay sane while I bring you content either through livestreams or videos. Your efforts are greatly appreciated.

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