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Melissa Francis

Hi there! Welcome to my Ko-fi! A few important points! *Rewards are for the current month! So if you join in December, you will receive the December rewards *I'm just a one person operation! Between cons, social media, etsy, patreon, email, etc. Please be patient with me if I run behind <3 The reason why all of my pin tiers are "B-Grade", is because I am very picky with quality, and it's much less stressful for me to be able to work with an entire batch of pins for fulfillment, than to spend hours inspecting every little detail to find "perfect" ones. With that said, you could absolutely receive A-Grade/Standard pins! If an entire batch is "good", then everyone will receive the best of the best pins! I also want this platform to be a much more simplified version than my Patreon, as having a dozen tiers has been a very tedious process and I would like things to go a bit faster. If you have any questions, please feel free to reach out!

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