MiniGram Vaughnlance.

I use this Ko-fi page for both donations for the game I'm working on, music I post online, as well as overall music commissions chart for those who want that. ***COMMISSION NOTICES Things I will negotiate for: If you want anything over 3 minutes. If you want me to use specific soundfont(s). If you want me to use a specific samples. If you want me to base it off of an existing song. If you want it to be a remix of an existing song. I will have trouble, but I can most likely do a specific style. If you want any other specifics. I will try do it in a specific window of time, but thats not a promise. Things I will not negotiate for: I will not use physical instruments (I don't have them nor a recording setup for them.) I will not sing with my own voice. I will not remix music that the original composer does not want remixed. The music I produce for you can be used in ANYTHING as long as you credit me.

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