Victoria Kidson (Missy Autistic)

Welcome to my website! I am thrilled to announce that I am now accepting donations through Ko-Fi, a platform that allows creators and small businesses like mine to receive financial support from their fans, followers, and customers. As an individual who is passionate about raising awareness and supporting women with autism, mental health struggles and living with epilepsy, I am always looking for ways to create valuable resources and break stigmas surrounding autism. Your donations will help me to continue to create valuable content, such as my podcast, blog and other resources that will help women on the autism spectrum. By donating to my Ko-Fi page, you are helping me to continue my mission and make a difference in the lives of women on the autism spectrum. Your support will allow me to continue to create valuable resources and break stigmas surrounding autism. Thank you for visiting my website and for your support. I look forward to connecting with you.

Make money doing what you love. No fees on donations!
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