
Hello! We’re a group of translators and editors who translate Demonic King Chases His Wife (DKC), PCFO, and Godly Talented Doctor (GTD). The released schedule (PST Timezone): - DKC = 2 chaps per week - GTD = Currently on HOLD - PCFO = 2 chaps per month Your support and thanks will motivate us, so keep on making us happy in our Discord server. We are always recruiting. If anyone is interested joining us, please send me message on Discord (ShiroiYuki#8893). As suggested by the more enthusiastic readers who wish for faster releases, we are implementing a donation system. Donations will unlock guaranteed bonus chapters in addition to the regularly scheduled chapters. Bonus chapters will be available as they are edited by the team; they may be delayed due to real-life circumstances, but they are guaranteed to be released in addition to the regular chapters. Please note that donations are by no means required or necessary and are only there to further motivate the team. If you wish to donate to a specific editor, please leave a message while donating or send me a message on our Discord server after donating. Novel website: Thank you very much for your support and patience. -MoonWhisperers Translation Team

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