
I incompetently discuss what I like and don't like about video games! But hey you're viewing my Ko-fi so I'm sure you know that by now, let's dig a bit deeper! WHO IS MRJARHEAD? My real name is Jared and I've been creating videos for over 8 years, with this being my third channel over that span. My first channel was basically let's plays of Minecraft, Amnesia The Dark Descent, Skyrim, etc. My second channel was more funny moments based content on games like Minecraft, Far Cry, modded Skyrim, and also had the odd Call of Duty cut commentary. Finally we've arrived at this channel, and here I've had more fun than I've ever had on Youtube. Between scripting and editing I've been able to completely maximize my creative output. I absolutely LOVE editing. I love the idea of being able to take literally anything, and turn it into something unique. Not only does my Youtube channel allow me that freedom, but it also grants me the opportunity to learn more about video games, and experience more video games that I haven't had the time or even motivation to sit down and play until now. Most importantly, it allows me to provide entertainment to you guys! Pledging to my Ko-fi is 100% OPTIONAL. This is simply here for the people who wish to go the extra mile in supporting me. Those who choose to pledge, please know I will be forever grateful for your support. Thank you so much and have a fantastic day!

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