Meta Meta Mike

Since 2015 I've made it my full time career to focus on connecting who's who on the social impact scene. I intentionally connected with as many individuals and organizations as possible, from as many sectors as possible, usually in a governance or advisory capacity, to help instigate inter-sectoral collaboration. However, chronic illness has forced me to take a major step back. Only a few years after I made that commitment my energy flagged to the point that I had to step back from almost everything. Since then I've learned a lot more about myself, my illness, and how to slow down. In the past I'd taken my computer science background and applied it to organizational design and governance. Combining my technical skills with my passion for the humanities has helped me to view organizations and culture as a type of code that can be designed and maintained with intention. Adherence to "org charts" and "policies" is a tiny portion of what governs how an organization functions. It's essential to understand why people do what they do, within their relationships to each other, in order to intentionally design a healthy organizational culture. I strongly believe that one of the most important challenges we face today is generating organizational wisdom that can harness humanity's most noble qualities. Cross sectoral collaboration, taken on with an understanding of the systemic nature of our greatest challenges, can produce organizations that operate and innovate with both integrity and ethics. I've seen how connecting our technology sectors to our social sectors results in a catalyzing effect on human culture and I know we can use this effect to make this world a better place today and for generations to come. Despite my illness I've managed to hang on to a few key organizations, usually in a board or advisory capacity. And over the past few years I've been able to organize and balance my family life, my own healthcare and my passion for organizational design to make enough room to continue making impact. However it hasn't been a very lucrative balance. For the most part I'm a stay at home Dad who has a very busy volunteer life. That's where you comes in. I know I have a lot of supporters. I don't know how many of them could or would consider supporting me in some small way financially, but I won't know unless I ask. So I'm asking: if you know what I'm capable of, and you want to see me doing more in the world, please contribute what you can. I'm always looking for new opportunities to innovate, to start new social enterprises, to help existing businesses operate with a stronger connection to their social conscience, and to generally increase the impact of civil society. Please feel free to contact me as I love to meet new people especially if they have interesting and meaningful problems to solve. If you are looking to get involved in any sort of social impact work please reach out. That's what I'm here for. I want to help!

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