Kimber S. Prewit

Hello, hello! Welcome to the Ko-Fi page for Musings of an Anthropology Student, which you can find on Substack (Link in the About page)! Your tip of "catnip" and/or “toss” of “a coin” or a few my way will help support me by allowing me to write fun (and currently free) articles on Substack! Every tip that you give will come with an automated Thank You message from myself and the ladycats! I will also hop on and write you a personal Thank You myself <3 Once tips start coming in, I plan on hopping onto this page a few times a week to give out personal Thank You’s and every once in while post a video of the ladies doing whatever it is they deem worthy of letting me film💜 To get an idea of what you're supporting, you'll be helping me: ~Keep my Substack articles free for everyone to read! (I have a paid option available on Substack, but I understand that not everyone can afford to do a monthly or yearly subscription-so by tipping me after you read my articles is another way to support my writing!) ~You will help me do less UberEats that I do in addition to my student-based job at the university I attend (the student job I need but it currently doesn't pay a good "living wage") ~I will also be able to focus on my studies so that I can finish and graduate with my undergrad this August! After I graduate in August, I plan on taking a semester off and then jump into grad school in Spring 2025 to pursue a Masters in Museum Studies! Eventually I also plan to pursue another Masters in Applied Anthropology, but that'll be a few more years down the road. Thank you again for your support! I truly appreciate it💞

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