
Hello all you lovely people! I'm mystiverse, and I make videos on the internet that I hope will entertain you, but might also paralyze you with existential anxiety (sorry about that). I made this Ko-fi for anyone insane enough to send money to a complete stranger to support his mad little creations. I make videos whenever I have any free time between being a full-time student and part-time worker, and as such the amount of stuff I can make is limited. With your donation, I aim to create higher quality content and more animated short stories, with a greater number of collaborations with my fellow creators on YouTube. Adobe Creative Cloud subscriptions, stock footage, and paying other creators I collaborate with all costs a surprising amount of money, and your extremely generous support helps to keep the mystiverse alive. Whether you are a member or not, I must extend a massive thank you for the support you have shown on the channel; it really means the world. I hope you enjoy watching the videos. Peace and love, mystiverse

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