n00b mama

I'm so proud to say that n00b mama has grown more than I could have ever imagined since I began in March 2018. I'm an untrained artist who has always had a passion for drawing. I remember the days of grade school where I'd doodle non-stop on the sides of my notes (which continued through college...). ADHD will do that to you. But it was how I learned that drawing meant so much to me. It helped me relax and focus. It was an outlet. And now, years and years later, it means more to me than I ever thought it would. I always considered it a silly hobby but as it turns out... it's extremely fulfilling. I'm always on the hunt for resources and ways to grow my "career" as an artist - classes, merch, websites, legal aspects to securing what I need, etc. Of course, that means having funds to do so. I'm a Mom to a two year old and a lot has change for me in 2019 on a personal level - I'm now exploring the world of co-parenting and doing as best I can at this "single" Mom business while working full-time. Any support I receive here helps with the advancement of n00b mama as I have little disposable income to handle it consistently myself, which means more content for you. <3

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