Nene R. Kuroneko

Welcome to my Ko-fi Page🦄 If you enjoy my content, please consider supporting what I do, that will means a lot to me 'cause it will help me keep going with cosplaying and dance! So thank you so much if you can support me and also thank you if you tell your friends about me! 🌸Arigatou 🌸 Reward🌈: 🌸For every kofi I'll send you a thank you pic with a cosplay of your choice and give you a Shout-out on my pages! 🌸From 3 kofi you can be add on my discord server! Also you can choose between 3 type of digital fan sign pic (cosplay, idol, fashion)!❤ 🌸At 5, 8 and 10 kofi you'll unlock a new role on my discord server! That, will grant you access to new channels! 🌸New reward will be add soon, stay tuned!

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