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For over 15+ months I have been fighting for SSI disability and it's been immensely stressful. Having to ask for help is demoralizing and embarrassing. However, survival without assistance would be extremely difficult. Presently, I have five misaligned discs in my spine and a pinched nerve. I love DJing but just two hours and I'm at my physical limitations, any more and I risk losing feeling in the lower half of my body. Unfortunately, I am unable to find a job that will accept me as is with my current ailments. I normally would not ask for assistance like this. I am genuinely afraid of being without the means to shelter myself. For transparency sake, I'm providing a breakdown of my current bills I need to cover. - $700 + taxes for rent (landlord raised it to this as of 3/1/24) - $100+taxes for internet - $55+taxes for cellphone Even if it is beyond your means to help, just sharing this around would be a relief. Thank you so much, DJ Xage

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