
AS OF MAY 2023: CURRENT/ONGOING PROJECTS: SIN EATERS ANONYMOUS EP WIP COMPLETE: owls w teeth: Crapshoot Chronicles LP - 14 tracks on ontological crises in the runup to endtimes - available now on Soundcloud & Wordpress owls w teeth vol.01: UwU, the [(auto)pilot] EP(isode) - on apophenia, magic, misunderstandings & tragedy - available now on Soundcloud & Wordpress PIPEDREAMS & MAYBES: illustrated UwU companion libretto Donald Trump Explained: Dumbfuck Dubstep Remix - an audiobook comedy Pomes - collected poems & prose; miscellany [working title: W-DEL at night] - [untitled operatic collage of parodic karaoke, presented as a radio play while driving thru a temporal anomaly in the mountains at night]

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