PM Your Parenthood

“Why don’t you PM your parenthood like you are already doing for your program/product at your job?” This was my ah-ha moment when I suddenly can see some light in achieving the ultimate peace throughout my (pre-/) parenthood. I believe that we can plan and manage parenthood in a less stressful way – by structurally applying learnings and principles distilled from generations of science and human wisdom. Just like we do with many other life projects. As a professionally trained Product/Program manager in tech, I intend to use this blog to 1) Document my parenthood journey (good or bad), 2) Organize my learnings so that I can easily refer back to, and 3) Form some PM-driven mental models about parenthood. The goal is to leverage my PM skills to systematize all the answers to my parenthood-related questions and back them up with my own honest experience. And hopefully, I can inspire some other similarly confused new parents (/to be) along the way. If you are interested in the full story or a little bit more about me, check out: FAQ 1) What can I expect to get out of your blog? With the 3 intentions described above, you can expect to learn about all aspects of parenthood with me and a group of fellow parents (/to-be), in an organized and less stressful way. However, this is probably a life-long learning process for everyone, so don’t expect it to be easy and make sure you consume the content with your critical thinking mode “ON”. Here’s one of my favorite quotes about learning: “Learning requires time to reflect. It requires discussing what you’ve learned and letting your mind wander. You need to let go of trying to look smart, and focus instead on trying to be smart.” – Farnam Street If you are in double about the content, always refer to science and ask your doctor before taking action. 2) How often will you update your blog? Currently, I plan to write one blog per week since it’s still the starting phase (both of this blog and of my pre-parenthood journey!). In the longer term, the bi-weekly updates will be more practical. 3) What’s the best way to connect with you? At the current stage, the best way would be to leave comments under each of my blog posts or on our Instagram (@PMYourParenthood).

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