Prateek Ralhan

Hey there! I'm Prateek Ralhan, a Data Aficionado based out of Bangalore, India 🇮🇳 I love working on open-source projects involving Data Science, Natural Language Processing, Machine Learning, Python and Deep Learning. I have a day job, where I work as a digital solutions engineer - mining data from numerous sources, creating scalable end to end NLP and NLU solutions for my organisation. In my free time, I like to read about the recent trends in the data science domain and work on open-source projects , frameworks etc. I'm very passionate about NLP to be specific. Working on open-source projects with a full time job becomes quite challenging but it's a passion I can't let go. Sometimes it's hard to justify it thou - that's why sponsoring quality open-source work is so important. Most of the sponsorship amount will be used to improve the open-source work quality 😀 Thank you so much for all your support

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