
If you enjoy my style and what I create, please consider sharing my page links, tipping, or purchasing something from my shop~ Every bit of your support really helps me create & share even more! Here's a list of some big plans & goals on my mind =D 🍊Upgrading animation software & computer hardware 🍊 Posting WIP screenshots/videos of current projects and short animations/memes utilizing the "YouTube shorts" feature on my channel. 🍊"🪨SOPE🌻Garden" animated comedy short(s) & merch. 🍊Expanding on the BTS inspired "anime ninja universe" concept with animated short(s), physical merch & art prints. Whether you follow me on Ko-fi, YouTube, or Twitter, I'd really love to hear about which one sparks your interest the most, or if you have suggestions for any other cool ideas you'd like me to consider! Thanks everyone~ 💜

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