
🏳️‍🌈 Help Queerhoven get off the ground & bring you amazing safe spaces 🏳️‍🌈 Queerhoven although new, is proving itself to be a space that resonates with a lot of queers of the region. Therefore, we're growing fast. Like really fast. With that, comes the want and need to be doing more for a community that deserves so, and in order to do that, we need funds. In the first stage, these funds will be used to start up a stichting so we can have a legal framework, tools help organize better and safer events (like name & pronouns stickers, or first aid trainings for the organizers), as well as being able to rent out spaces for events as the weather is getting colder. Queerhoven is a queer safe space by and for queer people in Eindhoven and the region, therefore, we want to stay as open and transparent as we can. So if you have any question or request, feel free to send us an email at Queerhoven@gmail.com or shoot us DM on Instagram @Queerhoven!

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