
Hullo hullo hullo everybody! It is I the Rainb0wSheep but you may also call me Linda. Here is how I will be using this ✨ sparkly page of mine ✨. ❤️ Give a casual and different way for people to support me. 🧡 Have a more localize page for all my updates, art, and other shenanigans. 💛 Provide supporter-only content. 💚 Potential memberships in the future! 💙 Use tips for stream upgrades, create product for my business, and peace of mind as I navigate working for myself. 💜 Get all blushy and wiggly anytime someone tips, cause you believe in me. 😭 ━━━━━━━━ ✧♡✧ ━━━━━━━━ 💗 Fear Regret more than Failure 💗

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