
So, I'm supposed to tell you a sob story about how hard my life is and how much your donation means to me. Screw that. I write for fun and nothing else. Your donation will fund my hobbies including but not limited to: Drinking coffee, computer games, drinking coffee, board games and card games, drinking coffee, writing sci-fi, drinking coffee and confectionary. Oh, and did I mention I drink a lot of coffee? Seriously though, I appreciate your donations but please be sensible with your money. Don't donate too much, my hobby isn't my primary income, I wont starve without it. You can find some of my work at the low price of FREE dollars and zero cents at: https://www.reddit.com/user/RhoZie013 Disclaimer: Writing is but one of my hobbies. I cannot guarantee when my next piece will be published. This is regardless of how much you donate to me. Donations are an expression of appreciation for my work, NOT advance payment for more.

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