
Hello! My name is NeoFlowers and I am the creator of Rose Nebula, a Tabletop RPG System set in the far future, where magic and technology meet together in the far corners of the universe, with player customization and freedom of choice being the main focus of this project since the very start. Rose Nebula offers: >A simple and effective method of rolling your dice, allowing you to worry less about min-maxing! >25 different Species to pick from, each having their own unique characteristics and traits! >14 Base Classes, which can be combined with 26 different Advanced Classes, each paired up combination offering a different gameplay "feel" to your Characters! >Dozens of Weapon Types, Armors, Trinkets, Augments, Mech Suits, Rune & Forge Upgrades, Scrolls, Potions, game mechanics and more for you to make use of, allowing you to make your Character just the way you want to! In reality we are a small 3-ish-person team, with Lina being responsible for quality control & revisions, Nerd (and Mundoneo!) for the official artwork and me with literally everything else you can think of, including more artwork. We really hope you and your friends enjoy playing through many adventures with everything we have made!

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