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What I Do
+ 2 More

Hey friends and casual viewers, welcome to my Ko-fi! This page is for those who want to support my work, either through a tip jar or higher pledge, and have early access to things and to art in general that I no longer post publicly. I'm still getting a hang on using Ko-fi and Patreon, but hoping to get in a good rhythm with posting soon. I recently got diagnosed with mild cfs / me so right now I'm trying to figure things out, and art has been slow because of it (and the serious energy issues). So I'm taking it slow right now but my general goals for both here and Ko-Fi. 🔹- Early access to my art + hi res versions 🔹- Speedpaints when possible 🔹- Art, sketches and 3D pieces related to my worldbuilding project Aluravin and my personal OCs that I no longer post much of online Art is posted to both here AND Patreon, so please feel free to support me wherever works for you best. Please be respectful and do not repost / sell / claim my art or use it in any way, shape or form for AI or NFTs.

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