
Hey there, amigos! So, I've opened up this Ko-Fi page with the hopes of raising enough money to get myself a sweet 3D resin printer. Each month I'll be uploading a new STL file for you to download completely free of charge! If you feel like supporting me on this magical journey and want to throw a couple bucks my way to show your support, I'd be forever grateful. It helps me keep creating and sharing my designs with you all. Btw, if you have any suggestions for objects, toys, characters, or anything else that you'd like to see done in my style, don't hesitate to let me know! Drop a comment below and I'll do my best to bring your ideas to life. After all, 3D design is all about creativity and imagination, and I love getting inspiration from all of you. So let's collaborate and make some amazing designs together! Thank you! Sandra

Make money doing what you love. No fees on donations!
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