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What I Do
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Printy Kitty

Hello and welcome to my ko-fi page! I'm someone who's passionate about 3D printing, art, and design. I find it incredibly satisfying to bring digital creations to life through the magic of 3D printing, and I love exploring new techniques and methods to make my designs even better. When I'm not tinkering with 3D printers or working on new design projects, I enjoy indulging in my love of good food. My all-time favorite cuisine is Japanese, and I could eat sushi all day, every day if given the chance! Another big part of my life is my love of film and anime. I'm always on the lookout for new and interesting stories to explore, and I'm particularly obsessed with Genshin Impact right now. It's such a rich and detailed world, and I love exploring all the nooks and crannies and uncovering its secrets. If any of this resonates with you, consider supporting me! Your support will help me continue pursuing my passions and creating new and exciting things for everyone to enjoy. Thank you!

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