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I'm currently unemployed, trying to learn how to live with multiple chronic illnesses. I do doodle a lot and am open for commissions. Any purchases or tips will help me get the treatments I need like therapy, physical therapy and massages. I can no longer get any benefits for those, even though to keep myself even somewhat functional, I need all three monthly. Recently I was diagnosed with MCAS and EDS and I've started new medications and I hope this will finally ease some of my most debilitating symptoms I'm hoping with my Ko-Fi page that I could make some extra income to get regular treatments that benefit my health greatly. Or improve the quality of my stickers and pins, right now I'm working with a rather old and cheap printer and cheap sticker paper but I'm hoping to upgrade to a better printer and better quality materials. But even if you're only here to browse, I appreciate it greatly and I'm always happy to chat about fandom things and ideas or even health issues!

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