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Sonia Celestia Astrology

Hello, AstroMindfulness is uniquely designed to help you align with the current planetary energy and was inspired by Mercury in Virgo. I am incurring time and cost expenses so a good Astrological friend suggested that I ask those who enjoy my content if they are willing to help with the costs. I don't have any expectations, I appreciate if you've taken the time to read and consider this. I understand if you are unable to help financially, maybe you could consider liking, commentating, checking my affiliate links and sharing my content to help the channel grow and reach others it may help. All help is much appreciated, as it is the energy exchange which truly matters. If you are a creator or interested in Astrology my affiliate links may be helpful. I earn a small commission when you buy. Enjoy a 30 day Tube Buddy free trial with no obligation on any of their Paid Plans or just have a look at: Chani offers a range of Astrological based products from an App to Planners and Workshops. I have been recommending the app to clients and friends before I was an affiliate for 2 reasons; it is based on Traditional astrology, which is my love and how I work and also it offers Mindfulness Meditations, which is my jam. Find them here: Thank you, Sonia

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