
Hi, I am Ragnar the Catfox. My Artist name is Sonic2k. I like drawing and painting, making music sometimes and Coffee of course. I am interested in Computers and AI, Science and Technology as also in Physics and Astrophysics. I like Nature and spending time in it and if people take care about their surroundings. Also I am IT Expert and often help others, if they have questions about Computers. Being Administrator and making things work is my Job and also my Passion. I like being creative and getting a deep understanding of how things work. My biggest Superpower and also my biggest flaw is to see the obvious in everything. That is a gift to find great solutions but also a drawback to think too complicated sometimes :) The things, that count the most for me in life are freedom and freedom of speech, kindness, learning, exploring, being creative and taking care of myself and others and of the World we live in. I believe that if everyone tries to make the World a better place to live in, the World will become a better place to live in for everyone.

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