Stryker's Security Database

Hi! My name is Ashley Stryker, and I work in cybersecurity! Okay, so the first thing to know about me -- after my name -- is that I lose *everything*. Seriously. That includes all the reference links I need for work! At my day job, I need to reference so many different sources as I study and create things, and I found myself looking up the same things every single time. Around the same time, I realized that I couldn't keep track of interesting Reddit threads, or my favorite news coverage of this breach or that annual report... So, I thought I'd collect them up into a giant Airtable database, so I could stop losing them. (Plus, I can do fun automations and reporting and cross-references as I need to!) Then, I realized that I needed a mobile way to input interesting new resources from my phone (especially Reddit conversations). After a quick browse around the Airtable integrations, I discovered Jotform had a mobile-friendly form that I could use to input new resources from wherever, with some auto-populate features into Airtable. Meanwhile, I mentioned this project to some of my other friends in security. They offered to help and wanted to use some of the resources, too ... right around the same time I discovered that Jotform actually had an app builder! And so, I pulled together a very-purple app with views and links to the database and the form... ... and then I realized no one could see what was new, so I sent everyone a quick email update once a day with all the good stuff... ... and so now, one helluva rabbit hole later, here I am -- offering up my project to y'all if you think it's any good! The automations and database maintenance alone is gonna wind up costing well over $2,000 a year. But, I'd do it for myself anyway, and it doesn't necessarily cost me any extra money to offer it up to all of you fine people! :) I just want to help. That said, if you *could* find a way to throw a bit my way, then that'd be really special and wonderful. Every little bit helps, and we'll all stay safer and secure! But, if you can't? No worries! Please enjoy the resources, and share them with anyone you think would appreciate them:

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