Bunny Lynne

Just getting this set up, now that I'm actually wheeling and dealing out the short stories. Had to start somewhere. Can't be a bestselling author from page one! Would love to get some backing from people who find me amusing. Maybe I'll toss some of my bad art (I'm not just saying that, I'm definitely not going to pretend to be an artist) up here to really make y'all feel bad for me. Like, "oh, the poor dear, she tries, but I'll pay her to stop already..." or something. Eh heh. Anything helps, as I am on disability, and it's not the party that I wish it were. Donations would help me get a computer that doesn't freeze mid-sentence, or a printer that exists at all, so I can print off pages and edit with a red pen, because I've heard that is more effective than doing it all on the computer. :*

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