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Superman Space

Hey there! I'm SupermanSpace, a developer, writter, blogger. I love making games that mix art and tech. I'm also into nature, music, and superpowers😛. Here's what I'm all about: ART: I'm into creating cool stuff. Tech: I'm working on my game ideas. Nature: I dig the outdoors. Music: I'm all about those tunes. SuperPower: I find superpowers fascinating. Right now, I'm busy on making games and working on AI Projects. I'm always learning new things like languages, music, art, and sports. I'm also into writing, acting, voice-overs, and immersive reality. I'm looking to team up with others on games and other projects. If you've ever have questions about anything feel free to ask. Thanks for checking out my Ko-fi page, and I'm excited to connect with you!

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