
Hello! Welcome to TalosLives Helluva Boss Multi-Page Comic Support Ko-Fi! CURRENT COMIC PROJECT: THE ALTERNATE DEAL ARTIST: ELCEE ROD TOTAL PAGES: 22 This Ko-Fi was designed by me for readers of my comics and fans of my overall Helluva Boss work to help pay for the long term comic projects I am working on with various artists. These comic projects are in cooperation with various artists that I will be working with to create these stories. Naturally, it will cost money and I will be paying for these comics regardless. But if you are a fan of my work or the current comic project I am working on, you can donate to this Ko-Fi to help pay for the pages either as a subscriber or just a one time pay. Each page will be its own goal, and even if the goal is not fully met if its enough to help me pay for the page I will consider the goal complete. Even just half of it filled will be a big help. The comic stories are told one by one. Project after project. When one comic project is finished, the goals and donations will be for the next project that will come. Each project will have a different artist and the artists are the only ones who get the money. Any extra money is save for future pages. All subscribers will get early views of the Comic Pages and their WIP, but all the comic pages will be posted on Twitter and DA (if the artist has one). Any question? Please feel free to ask.

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