
This is my personal ko-fi page to fund Palestinian community led initiatives in NZ. Palestinians are often spoken about and on behalf, but rarely heard from. In Aotearoa New Zealand, Palestinian voices are virtually absent in mainstream media and influential social media spaces. My aim is to write on mainstream and social media to fill the gap and present a distinct Palestinian voice to New Zealanders. I write about my own experiences and perspective as a Palestinian, I also share news from Palestine based on various local sources, and I provide a commentary on the rare Palestine related news in mainstream media. In addition to writing, I speak at forums about Palestine and activism. My aim of signing up to Ko-fi is to find an income stream to support myself and my whanau and dedicate time for advocacy, learning, writing, and educating about Palestine. Feel free to buy me ko-fi to support my writing and activism, and you can create a monthly subscription too which will help a lot in planning. I appreciate your help! Regards, Tameem

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