This Human Tribe

We travel to bring you stories from real people and places from around the world. Our content is 100% original and free, and if you'd like to pay us a coffee it will help us propel this project forward! — 🤟 Hi there, it's Francesca and Jyl, we are a writer and a photographer. We travel the world to meet people and see places, to learn, to bring out the stories that are yet untold. We have this idea in mind that we are not all the same, but we all want the same things: to be safe, to have a future, to be loved and have a chance at a good life. We want to talk more about what makes us alike, we want to showcase stories of regular people, like you, like us, like anyone. On our website and through our newsletter you can check out some of those stories; we also have an e-store where we sell photos from our travels, and we would love to keep our project growing. 🙏 We are completely self-funded at the moment, thank you if you'll consider giving a little contribution!

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