Hello everyone! Here's Vanessa from THTFHQ bringing you... well, a Ko-fi page! This is an alternative to Patreon, in which you can show your support for the content created at THTFHQ - news articles, reviews, Seiyuu Digests, podcast SEIYUU LOUNGE - without the compromise of Patreon's monthly fees. I am keeping this page as an alternative to Patreon. This page is exclusively created to help cover for server costs. More important than removing ads, is to have a safe, fast and reliable website, so the focus is now put on something that positively benefit both me and all of you that browse the website. Regardless if you want to contribute because you enjoyed an episode of SEIYUU LOUNGE or I, by sheer luck, covered your favorite male seiyuu on Seiyuu Digest or you simply want to support the project, no strings-attached, this Ko-fi page is your friend! Come share a Ko-fi with me! Thank you for supporting THTFHQ!

Make money doing what you love. No fees on donations!
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