Timothée Goguely

Hi, my name is Timothée Goguely. I’m a french web designer and developer, and I’m also the admin of mastodon.design. This instance welcomes all makers and designers who love to build things and talk about them. We stand for an open, independent, sustainable, inclusive, and accessible web. Although there is no registration fee, it would be SUPER nice if you’d drop a few $ / € to support me with the instance hosting costs. This instance is hosted in France on OVH servers via Masto.host (Constellation Plan + ElasticSearch add-on + 3 Extra Resources) for 94.80$/month and has a custom domain for 44.45€/year at Infomaniak.com for a total bill of ~1080€/year (90€/month). I also have a Liberapay page but some people told me it would be easier for them to use Ko-fi ☕️ So if you can afford to financially support mastodon.design and the Fediverse with a few coins per month, I would be very grateful 🙏

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