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the Scenes

Thank you for having a peek at my Kofi page! I use this little corner to share weekly vlogs and show you guys what goes on with me when I'm not live! Did you know I have a cat called Eevee? 👀 I also share playthroughs here of games I won't be streaming on Twitch! These can be both VR games as well as normal games ✨ And yes, this content is behind a paywall but Kofi only takes a tiiiiny cut (unless I have Kofi Gold for a year!), so the €3 I ask here per month actually benefits me more than a Twitch sub sadly. You won't get emotes or a badge here, but I hope to give you enough content to make a membership worth your while! Additionally I also edit videos for a living, so if you're in need of an editor for your VODs or YT videos, feel free to shoot me a DM on Twitter and let's work together!

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