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Valorant Vods

Hi Valorant fans, As you may know, Valorant Vods has been demonetized 2 years ago by YouTube. This means that they are no longer able to earn money from videos, which is having devastating impact on the channel and the ability to continue uploading tournament content. I'm reaching out to you today to ask for your help. There are a few things you can do to support Valorant Vods during this difficult time: ❤❤Become a Member through . Ko-fi is a platform where fans can support creators financially. Even a small donation can make a big difference. 🧡🧡Continue to watch the videos. This will help them maintain viewership and engagement, which is important for YouTube's algorithm. 💜💜Leave comments and likes on the videos. This shows YouTube that people are interested in the content. Valorant Vods is a valuable part of the valroant community, and I hope you will join me in supporting them during this challenging time. Thank you for your time and consideration.

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