Looking for ways to help and promote veganism? Love cheese? Becoming a supporter is the perfect way of doing that! When it comes to vegan cheese there is a lot more choice out there than most actually realise. From melty mozzarella, grated cheddar to a stinky blue, there really is a vegan cheese out there for all. Our website and discovery tool holds the largest database of vegan cheese worldwide, currently at 1300+ and counting. Making it possible to filter and find vegan cheese by type, by location or main ingredient, colour, how good they melt and so much more! We are also in our fourth year in running the world's only Vegan Cheese Awards, a competition that is solely about vegan cheese with a variety of cheese type categories. Each year we strive to make more awareness, accessibility and promote the unsung heroes... all our lovely vegan cheese makers around the globe! We'd like to make the site more well known, bigger by continually updating and finding new vegan cheeses available and better and easier to use for those trying to find new vegan cheese favourites and make it a website funded by great individuals. By supporting us, means that you are helping to promote vegan cheese! You are also helping to support many vegan small businesses too. Thank you!

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