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What I Do
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Vesenia Designs

What up! I'm Vess from Vesenia Designs. Your visit to this page is greatly appreciated! Why do I have a Ko-Fi? My dream is to keep making art for people to enjoy and finishing my comic called "Celestial Pulse". My passion for art has filtered into helping aspiring artists. Whenever extra funds are available, I am able to accomplish some of my goals faster. What I'm going to be posting? Whatever flows out my fingertips! You will see some art studies, commissions, and personal art I've done on my streams. I will even have up exclusive content of sketchbook pages and D&D sketches from the Campaign. You will also be able to get my comic here digitally in my store! Thank You So Much! While I'm still new to Ko-Fi, I'm going to continue to add rewards and update this. I am appreciating any type of support that is given. Even following and sharing is an honor.

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