Xerxes Vinyl Zone 黑膠特區

我是黑膠唱片的擁護者。在唱盤上播放唱片既有聲音也有視覺體驗。黑膠唱片聽起來比較自然嗎?請看我的 YouTube 頻道。 YouTube 發佈歌曲的所有廣告收入都歸音樂出版商所有。你可以給我買杯咖啡來獎勵我。https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCJOxVzrpLS3wt1LqpMjjTAA 相關設備列表 Associated Equipment: https://ko-fi.com/post/Xerxes-Vinyl-Classics-%E9%BB%91%E8%86%A0%E7%89%B9%E5%8D%80-YouTube-Channel-Associa-T6T25FIFX 關注我最近聽的唱片以及我將在 YouTube 頻道上發佈的黑膠歌曲。對於設備感興趣的朋友們,我將分享我的想法並描述我黑膠唱片之旅。這裡不僅於黑膠唱片播放,我也一直在關注數碼播放技術。 Everyone has opinion about the sound quality of vinyl. Is vinyl sonic personal preference? My goals are to encourage more people to explore vinyl playback and understand the reasons for vinyl resurgence. All ad revenue of song videos on YouTube go to the music publishers. Please reward me by buying me a cup of coffee. Keep coming back to Ko-Fi for updates and discussions.

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